Vitalik Buterin, the co-founder of Ethereum (ETH), shared a report, on May 17, in which he comments and details the next improvements that will be implemented in Ethereum. The comments come after concerns from the ETH community. As Buterin highlighted, improvements will focus on PeerDAS, the Verkle tree transition and decentralized methods for storing history, as proposed in EIP-4444.

“I’m sitting here writing this on the last day of an Ethereum developer interop in Kenya, where we’ve made great progress in implementing and defining the technical details of important future Ethereum improvements, most notably PeerDAS, the Verkle tree transition, and decentralized approaches. to store history in the context of EIP 4444. From my perspective, it appears that the pace of Ethereum development and our ability to provide large, important features that significantly improve the experience for node operators and users (L1 and L2) are increasing ”.

Buterin highlighted in his comments on a blog post the importance of decentralization. Furthermore, the founder of Ethereum also commented on some issues, such as Maximum Extractable Value (MEV) and the balance between minimizing it and quarantining it.

Buterin’s comments came after a warning to think about “are we building towards the right goals?” put in a recent series of tweets from longtime Geth core developer Peter Szilagyi.

“These are valid concerns. These are concerns expressed by many people in the Ethereum community. These are concerns that I have personally had on many occasions. However, I also don’t think the situation is as desperate as Peter’s tweets suggest; rather, many of the concerns are already being addressed by protocol features that are already in the works, and many more can be addressed through very realistic adjustments to the current roadmap.”

Vitalik Buterin’s proposal aims to review the Ethereum gas model

In a new proposal, Ethereum (ETH) co-founder Vitalik Buterin recently highlighted a new network improvement protocol, EIP-7706, focusing on a new specific gas model that targets transaction call data. Currently, there are two types of gas fees for ETH-based transactions: one for transaction execution and one for storage.

Buterin’s recently revealed proposal, EIP-7706, targets a third form of gas intended exclusively for call data, suggesting that the blockchain will allocate a charge to data transferred during transactions.


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