June 10, 2022

It can be said that casino roulette appeared as a result of a failed experiment. It is said that already in Ancient China and in the Roman Empire a kind of roulette was played. Although it will really be Blaise Pascal who invents it, one very similar to the current one! This man, from a very young age, had been interested in everything that surrounded him. And he liked to create inventions and all sorts of gadgets. However, many times things do not go as expected…

The origin of roulette

The intention of the versatile Blaise Pascal was to create a wheel in perpetual motion… but, as we all know, he did not achieve this goal. Roulette appeared in its place and with it one of the most popular and entertaining casino games in the world. This entire episode dates back to the 17th century, and since then its use has only grown gradually.

Pascal delved into the theory of probability and for this he used this invention. Although he did not serve him as he intended, at least he endowed the world with this essential game in casinos, such as Luckia or LeoVegas. It is true that there are other theories about the invention of the current roulette wheel, but Blaise Pascal was undoubtedly an essential person with his contributions.

What was Blaise Pascal’s roulette like?

Unlike the current roulette wheels, the original one did not have a zero. The intention was to create something different from what was achieved, and since it was not manufactured for gambling, it did not have this number. The zero would appear two centuries later by the brothers François and Louis Blanc and the double zero of the American will still appear in the 19th century.

Pascal’s roulette wheel had 36 numbered compartments. This one, in addition, used a small ball to throw it on the wheel and thus study a branch of probability. In the end, its inventor gave it the same use that we do today, only with the intention of helping him in his research and not in the game.

Source: www.juego-legal-espana.es

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