• 3.7% of the Spanish population is hooked to the internet and 6.7% places bets online
  • Tobacco and alcohol consumption stabilizes, but the problematic use of cannabis grows

The biannual Ages macro-survey of the Ministry of Health, carried out in the stage prior to the first state of alarm, reveals that the number of Spaniards who are hooked on the internetthe number of players from the casinos online and problematic cannabis use has grown, although alcohol and tobacco use has stabilized, except for electronic cigarettes.

They are the headlines left by a survey that was prepared with 17,899 surveys between February 7 and March 13, so it does not allow us to know if the addictions of the Spanish they’ve changed with the advent of the pandemic. Although the Government delegate for the National Plan on Drugs, Go to Villabíhas advanced that an investigation is being prepared in this regard and that the first impressions indicate that the consumption of tobacco has not changed and that of the alcohol dropped during the first state of alarm, when the bars closed.

Waiting for that “photo& rdquor; On whether or not the covid has changed addictions, the Edades survey indicates that 3.7% of Spaniards between the ages of 15 and 64, approximately 1,100,000 people, carry out a compulsive internet use compared to 2.9% in the 2017-2018 binomial, which is when the previous wave took place.

Sports bets

Regarding gambling with money online, 6.7% of the population indicates that they have gambled in the last year, almost double that of the previous survey (3.5% in 2017 and 2018). The profile of these players is that of a man, with an average age of 38 years and who mostly plays bets sports.

The data also confirm that the most consumed addictive substances are the legal ones. First of all, the alcohol (77.2% of those surveyed have consumed it in the last year; 75.2% did so in 2017-2018) and in second place the tobacco (39.4% have smoked tobacco in the last year, compared to 40.9% in 2017-2018).

Cannabis and electronic cigarette

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Also, the cannabis it is the most widely used illegal drug (10.5% in the last year compared to 11.0% in 2017-2018) followed by cocaine (2.5% compared to 2.2% in the last survey). However, the survey reveals that the problematic cannabis use it has grown to stand at an average of 3% in men and 0.9% in women compared to 2.5% and 0.7 in the previous couple.

Finally, the use of electronic cigarette. In the previous survey, 8.8% percent of those surveyed had tried it at some time, a percentage that rises to 10.5% in the current investigation.

Source: www.elperiodico.com

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