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A recent survey revealed that Brazilian investors are optimistic about Bitcoin after the halving. According to the survey, carried out by the cryptocurrency exchange Bitget among its customers in Brazil, 61.2% of investors stated that they do not plan to sell their Bitcoins after the halving.

As the exchange highlighted, the data reveals solid confidence in the leading cryptocurrency. While the majority have an “iron fist”, 22.4% of those interviewed are considering selling, while 16.3% are still unsure about their next moves.

When asked about the results of their investments to date, 42.9% of investors said they were satisfied, 24.5% dissatisfied and 32.7% indifferent.

“This panorama shows a predominance of satisfaction or neutrality, reflecting the maturity of investors and resilience in the face of fluctuations in the crypto market”, highlighted the exchange.

Brazilian investors do not intend to sell their Bitcoins

Meanwhile, for 51% of survey participants, Bitcoin’s position has improved compared to other cryptocurrencies. Another 20.4% believe that the cryptocurrency situation has worsened and 28.6% have not observed any significant change.

According to Maximiliano Hinz, director of Expansion at Bitget in Latin America, “the survey data demonstrates that Brazilian investors have a confident and long-term perspective in relation to Bitcoin. Most of our clients not only invested before the halving, but also plan to maintain their investments.”

This indicates, according to him, a solid belief in the cryptocurrency’s appreciation potential. “This behavior is a positive indication for the crypto market as a whole.”

Trust and stability

When asked whether the halving affected investor confidence, users were divided. This is because 42.9% believe that trust has increased, the same percentage of those who think there has been no change. On the other hand, 14.3% said that confidence had decreased.

Furthermore, 46.9% of Brazilians said that public perception regarding Bitcoin improved due to the halving, while 38.9% believe that there was no change. 14.3% said that the perception had worsened.

As for the stability of the largest cryptocurrency on the market, 26.5% considered that the halving helped increase the stability of Bitcoin. Another 24.5% thought it had decreased.

The survey, carried out between March 13 and 17, 2024, involved around 500 Brazilian investors who responded to a questionnaire sent by email.

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