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The United States Department of Justice announced this Wednesday (15) the arrest of two brothers who attacked the Ethereum blockchain. Anton Peraire-Bueno, 24, a resident of Boston, and James Pepaire-Bueno, 28, a resident of New York, are those arrested.

According to the DOJ, they conspired to commit wire fraud, committed wire fraud, and conspired to commit money laundering. The charges arise from an innovative scheme the defendants executed in order to exploit the integrity of the Ethereum blockchain.

In this way, they criminally obtained around US$25 million in cryptocurrencies in about 12 seconds.

Authorities arrested the Peraire-Bueno brothers yesterday in Boston and New York, respectively. They will be presented this Wednesday before Magistrate Judge Paul G. Levenson, of the District of Massachusetts, and Magistrate Judge Valerie Figueredo, of the Southern District of New York.

According to Deputy Attorney General Lisa Monaco, “the Peraire-Bueno brothers stole $25 million in Ethereum cryptocurrencies through a technologically sophisticated and innovative scheme that they planned for months and executed in seconds.”

Ataque è blockchain Ethereum

According to the Attorney General, the department will continue to combat fraud involving cryptocurrencies:

“Unfortunately for the defendants, their alleged crimes were no match for Justice Department prosecutors and IRS agents who uncovered this unprecedented wire fraud and money laundering scheme. As cryptocurrency markets continue to evolve, the Department will continue to combat fraud, support victims, and restore trust in these markets.”

US Attorney Damian Williams of the Southern District of New York highlighted the seriousness of the scheme.

“The brothers, who studied computer science and mathematics at one of the world’s most prestigious universities, allegedly used their specialized skills and education to manipulate the protocols that millions of Ethereum users rely on globally. And once they put their plan into action, the robbery took just 12 seconds to complete,” he said.

The alleged scheme has not been fully revealed by the DOJ which has stated that more details will be offered soon by prosecutors.

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