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The memecoin Billy (BILLY), launched on the Solana blockchain, has reached a significant milestone by surpassing the $100 million market cap. The dog-themed token is now the second-largest project launched on the platform.

Billy hit the market in early June via Shortly after the launch, the developer sold all of his tokens, transferring control of the project to the community.

Since then, the project’s social media and Telegram accounts have been managed by dedicated community members. According to SolScan, the original developer sold out of his tokens within just 20 minutes of the launch, raising $1,116. That same amount of BILLY would be worth around $6 million today, according to onchain data.

Over the past weekend, Billy’s marketcap was at approximately $72 million, dropping to $60 million earlier in the week.

However, between Monday and Tuesday, the meme coin experienced a 97% surge, reaching a market cap of $117 million. This astonishing growth has positioned Billy above other memecoins such as DADDY, which has a market cap of $71 million, and made it the second-largest token on, behind only Michi, which has a market cap of $130 million.

Solana memecoin takes off

Billy’s X/Twitter account has been active, posting memes regularly, which may have contributed to its rising value. Additionally, content creator Jonzzy helped boost the token’s popularity when one of his memes about Billy reached a significant audience.

In recent days, the community faced a challenge when Billy’s DEX Screener page was hacked, with the banner being changed to promote another memecoin. However, the community quickly regained control of the page, reaffirming Billy’s presence.

This incident highlights a known issue on DEX Screener where malicious actors can perform community takeovers (CTO) of projects listed on the platform.

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