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Web3 game development studio Planet Mojo, known for bringing digital entertainment experiences like the popular Mojo Melee to the physical world, has released exciting information about its latest venture: the MOJO token.

In an official statement, Planet Mojo revealed its plans to offer this new token to players in an upcoming update, as well as launching an airdrop campaign, driven by social engagement.

What do you need to know?

MOJO is close to being announced. Interested parties can check the token contract at address 0xeD2d13A70acbD61074fC56bd0d0845e35f793e5E, located on the Polygon network.

Some participants in Mojo Melee’s March Madness event are receiving a token airdrop. You can check if you are among those selected by accessing the digital wallet.

However, there is a catch: although the token has been launched, holders cannot buy, sell or transfer their tokens until they are listed on a centralized exchange. Once listed, all tokens will be unlocked automatically, without the need to purchase additional rights.

Token MOJO

However, there is a caveat – to unlock the airdrop tokens, holders will need to go through a KYC verification process. The airdrop and unlocking of tokens will be valid for all participants outside the United States.

Additionally, the project is engaging its community in a campaign of social activities on the Mojo.Forge.GG platform. Participants have the opportunity to accumulate airdrop points through daily activities while the campaign is ongoing.

What is the MOJO token?

In essence, MOJO is the utility token of the Planet Mojo ecosystem, spanning from Planet Mojo itself to the recently launched Mojo Go Go and any future games and experiences within the Mojo universe.

With a total supply of 1 billion tokens, the token reserves 30 million for public distribution and allocates 320 million for monthly community rewards over the next five years.

Mojo Melee players can obtain the token by triumphing in duel battles. Rewards are based on players’ rank and collection level, as well as specific collectibles and winning streaks. To prevent abuse, players will only be able to earn tokens for a maximum of five daily wins. In addition, it is expected that other games from the studio will also incorporate reward systems with the token.

The tokens can be used to purchase a variety of items, from cosmetics to game boosts such as tournament registration fees and random loot boxes. Furthermore, MOJO will also play a crucial role as a governance token within Planet Mojo, allowing holders to participate in decisions that shape the future of the ecosystem.

Getting to know the project

Planet Mojo is not just a game development studio. It is also an expanding universe, full of digital adventures. Currently, the studio has two active games: the popular Mojo Melee and Mojo Go Go.

The first immerses players in fantasy auto-battles, while the second offers a racing experience directly in the browser. Furthermore, the project has ambitious plans for the future, including the development of Mojo Frontiers, a land-based game, and Project Nova, a AAA project kept secret until now.

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