In the vibrant video game landscape, “Shrapnel,” a crypto game with the intense vibe and breakneck action reminiscent of the classic Call of Duty, now shines in the spotlight of the Epic Games Store. This launch marks a crucial moment in the competition of high-budget web3 video games, seeking to establish a milestone in the sector.

The Epic Games Store, known for its colossal user base that exceeds 230 million players, welcomes “Shrapnel” to its repertoire, placing it in direct competition with giants of the blockchain universe such as “Star Atlas” and “Illuvium”. These games, which also explore the “early access” model, allow developers to release early versions to forge engaged communities as they refine and expand their creations.

Developed by studio Neon Machine, “Shrapnel” is presented as an epic first-person shooter (AAA) set in a fascinating dystopian setting. The team behind this ambitious project includes industry veterans from giants like Xbox and Electronic Arts, promising an innovative and immersive gaming experience.

Neon Machine is redefining the approach to game releases with “Shrapnel”, involving the community at every stage of development. According to Mark Long, CEO of Neon Machine and former digital products lead at HBO, this strategy puts players at the center of the creative process, allowing them to customize virtually every aspect of the game. This direct involvement promises to not only enrich the gaming experience but also guide the studio in creating a AAA-caliber first-person shooter.

Although blockchain-based games have struggled to establish themselves in the mainstream video game scene, “Shrapnel” already demonstrates strong community engagement, with more than 100,000 active members on Discord. This steadily growing fan base signals robust interest that could challenge established norms and open new avenues for crypto gaming.

Furthermore, “Shrapnel” has already captured the attention and financial support of the industry, with an impressive $20 million in Series A funding raised, led by Polychain Capital, and a cumulative total of $37.5 million. The game’s native token, Shrap, already boasts a market capitalization of around US$68 million, highlighting the project’s economic potential.


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