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Donald Trump’s presidential campaign began officially accepting cryptocurrency donations this week. According to the campaign website, Trump voters will be able to make donations with Bitcoin (BTC), Ethereum (ETH) and other cryptocurrencies, including memecoin.

This decision follows his recent statement that he would make it possible for voters to donate in cryptocurrencies. As CriptoFácil reported, Trump intends to use the strategy to position himself as pro-cryptocurrencies, in opposition to the current president and his rival Joe Biden. In fact, Trump’s campaign website taunts the current president, saying:

“Demonstrating President Trump’s success as a defender of American freedom and innovation, we proudly offer the opportunity to contribute to the campaign with cryptocurrencies. Saving our nation from Biden’s failures requires your support. While Biden piles regulations and bureaucracy on us all, President Trump is ready to embrace new technologies that will make America great again,” the website says.

Trump confirms cryptocurrency donations

The Trump campaign announced plans to “build a crypto army” to combat the “anti-crypto army” led by Senator Elizabeth Warren. The Republican candidate has not yet said what his positions on cryptocurrencies will be, but his supporters see this stance as positive.

This change marks a significant departure from the Biden administration’s position, which is more restrictive to the market. Trump supporters believe this decision could appeal to a substantial portion of the cryptocurrency community, which has felt marginalized by current policies.

Interestingly, Trump’s campaign even embraced the controversial memecoins. Yes, it is possible to donate even with Shiba Inu (SHIB) and Dogecoin (DOGE), the largest cryptocurrencies in this market. The wallets used by the campaign are MetaMask and Coinbase Wallet, mainly.

Trump’s involvement in digital assets has been growing, starting with the launch of Trump Trading Cards, a collection of NFTs that came out in late 2022. The collection sold out in record time, bringing big ETH profits to the former president.

Reach of cryptocurrencies grows

Trump’s support for cryptocurrencies could also influence the digital asset market in other ways. Analysts noted political pressure on the US Securities and Exchange Commission (SEC), leading to increased chances of approval for Ethereum ETFs later in May.

Meanwhile, “Doland Tremp”, a memecoin created on Solana and inspired by the former president, appreciated strongly. Its price rose 150% last week and reached $1.30 following Trump’s support for cryptocurrencies.

Trump’s stance is seen as a counterpoint to the current administration’s policies, potentially reshaping the political landscape for digital assets. On the other hand, there are those who say that the former president is using this stance just to gain votes in the community.

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