In the dynamic cryptocurrency gaming landscape, Aurory stands out with the introduction of “Seekers of Tokane”, a new dimension to this Pokémon-inspired fantasy game. With a “roguelike” environment, this innovative RPG lands on the Epic Games Store, a giant in the conventional games market, promising a unique experience for players.

The premiere of “Seekers of Tokane” is scheduled for Thursday, initially being made available to Aurorian NFT holders. The wider gaming community is eagerly awaiting as access codes will be distributed in the following weeks, as announced in a statement.

This expansion is not just an addition to the game, but a reinvention. Aurory’s team incorporated “unlimited amounts” of unexplored land. Players, equipped with their Nefties, distinct magical creatures, will face challenges in varied environments. This is the first player-versus-environment (PVE) expansion from Aurorary, which previously released a limited version of its player-versus-player (PVP) Blitz battles earlier this year.

The novelty of Aurora lies in its “procedural land generation system”. Every time a player walks through the portal in Blanche’s town village, they are transported to a unique world that never repeats itself. This mechanic is similar to classic RPGs, such as Diablo 3. Here, players venture through new lands in search of the exit portal for Blanche. However, if they die before finding the portal, they lose all the treasures accumulated during the adventure, highlighting the challenging and rewarding nature of “roguelike” RPGs.

Jonathan Campeau, executive producer at Aurory, revealed to Decrypt: “Because of our procedurally generated content, we have an infinite amount of game worlds to explore. That’s the beauty of the system we designed. It will extract a random terrain seed and generate a unique terrain from that seed by combining a bunch of lego bricks.”

The release of “Seekers of Tokane” represents a significant milestone for the Aurora game, expanding its scope and complexity. The collaboration with the Epic Games Store is a strategic step, opening doors to a wider audience and consolidating Aurory’s presence in the competitive blockchain-based games market.

What is Aurora Game Solana?

Auroray is a game studio recognized for offering free, immersive Web3 games and experiences. Founded in early 2021, the studio already has more than 70 employees on its team, including professionals who were previously part of renowned game studios such as Ubisoft, Gameloft, EA, Warner Bros. and Rovio.

The studio, in collaboration with its community, is committed to building a robust ecosystem that encompasses diverse games, mini-games, and dApps. All of these experiences are based on an original lore and feature interoperable features, allowing players to use them across the entire platform.


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